Health Service
Leadership Development Program

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The 2024-2025 recruiting season for our full-time role is currently underway! You can also visit our events page to see when we're hosting in-person and virtual info sessions along with conferences we are attending in the near future. 
HSLDP associate sharing what it's like to be in the program
It’s no secret that the health care space is incredibly complex, and often those who want to pursue a career in the field do not know where to start. That’s why we created the Health Service Leadership Development Program (HSLDP) to give you the general knowledge and leadership skills necessary to assume a leadership across our divisions, in both Cigna Healthcare and Evernorth Health Services.

Through a series of three to four rotations, each lasting 18 to 24 months, you will be exposed to a variety of different roles and teams across the organization. Unlike other rotational programs that are shorter in length, the HSLDP allows you the time to add value to your teams while also gaining the institutional knowledge and experience to lead initiatives that align to our enterprise strategy. 

Upon graduation from the HSLDP, you will be prepared to lead impactful initiatives and teams across the organization and support our vision of being the premier global health services company.
HSLDP associates posing together for a group photo
HSLDP associates posing at a team outing.
HSLDP associates posing at a program outing

Areas of exposure:

The HSLDP is the only rotational program without organizational boundaries. Below are examples of common areas for our associates to rotate through along with possible role descriptions. This is not an exhaustive list.

Key Rotational Areas:
  • Strategy & Business Development
  • Innovation & Technology
  • Product Management
  • Service Excellence/Operations
  • Pharmacy Benefit Management & Pharmacy
  • Provider/Network Management
  • Sales & Account Management
  • Data & Analytics

Sample Rotational Experiences:
  • Client and customer-facing relationship development and management
  • Leadership of critical change management initiatives with cross-functional exposure and influence
  • Direct and indirect people leadership through project management and execution
  • Support and enablement of merger and acquisition through special initiatives
  • Business case development and analysis of current and potential products and work streams to determine viability or enhancement

​​​​​​​Take it from them...

Carin P. headshot

Carin P.
Director, Pharmacy Strategy  

HSLDP Graduation Year: 2023

  • Leads five-year business and product strategy for Cigna Healthcare's US Commercial pharmacy benefit, working across all health plan offerings and supporting The Cigna Group as a client of Express Scripts, Evernorth Health Services' pharmacy benefit manager.

“HSLDP is a community that has supported and challenged me to become a fearless and authentic leader. The program meaningfully accelerated my career growth by offering ways to learn, grow, and engage beyond day-to-day business functions."
Bradley W. headshot

Bradley W.
Chief of Staff, US Government Business

HSLDP Graduation Year: 2020
  • Responsible for the management process across Cigna Healthcare's US government business, including Medicare Advantage and Individual Family Plans.

“The benefit of the HSLDP is the network across the enterprise. In every rotation, HSLDP associates helped me ramp up my understanding of the business and taught me how to work effectively with leadership to get things done."

HSLDP associates posing at a group presentation

Not quite ready for full-time? Check out our summer internship.

Jumpstart your health care career with a HSLDP summer internship. As an intern, you will be matched to a specific business function that encourages you to build your business acumen and leadership skills, while working on a project aligned to our growth strategy. 

Additionally, you will be paired with a full-time HSLDP associate to serve as your mentor, and you will take part in forums with executive and senior leaders. 

But want to know the best part? Interns who continually impress us will be asked to join the HSLDP full time after graduation.