And we are committed to doing more. We will increase the representation of women in leadership to ensure that the perspectives of women are included at all levels throughout the company.
We aspire to reach gender parity in our leadership pipeline by increasing the number of women at our director and senior director levels from 45% to 50% by 2024, thereby increasing the number of women available to succeed to executive positions with the goal of increasing representation of women in senior leadership within the company. To help us achieve these goals, we have:
- Signed the Paradigm for Parity pledge to bring gender parity to corporate leadership;
- Expanded requirements for the use of diverse candidate slates to the manager level and above;
- Expanded the use of leadership development, mentoring and coaching programs;
- And continued our sponsorship of and participation in programs designed to build relationships with diverse talent at the university level.
We are accountable to our Board of Directors, our Executive Leadership, and our shareholders for our progress in delivering on our commitments to equality and inclusion and in meeting our representation goals in order to support all of our employees in their role as champions for our customers, clients, and communities.